StrengthsFinder Relationship Building Domain - A Pair of Singaporean Siblings

StrengthsFinder Relationship Building Domain - A Pair of Singaporean Siblings

How similar or different are you from your sibling? Meet a pair of siblings in Singapore who not just have the same top 5 strengths but also have all of their top 5 in the relationship building domain. Singapore Strengthsfinder Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, conducts an interview with both Angeline and Pamela to hear their stories. 

Using StrengthsFinder for Work - Interview with a Counsellor

Using StrengthsFinder for Work - Interview with a Counsellor

Are you a Counsellor, Social Worker or someone in the Social Work industry? Singapore StrengthsFinder Certified Coach, Victor Seet, interviews Chrystella Lo, a counsellor in Singapore, who shares how she uses her StrengthsFinder themes for her work. Read and get some tips on how you too can apply your talent themes at work. 

StrengthsFinder Influencing Domain - Featuring Singaporean Joey Ong

StrengthsFinder Influencing Domain - Featuring Singaporean Joey Ong

Are you one of those who naturally desire to influence others but often end up being misunderstood? Meet Singaporean, Joey Ong, one of the rare ones in the world with all the top 5 strengths from the influencing domain. Singapore Strengthsfinder Certified Coach, Victor Seet, conducts an interview with Joey to hear her story. 


Using CliftonStrengths for Work - Reflections of a Teacher

Using CliftonStrengths for Work - Reflections of a Teacher

Are you a teacher or someone regularly involved in the education sector? Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, interviews Charmain Han, an English teacher in Singapore, who shares how she uses her CliftonStrengths themes for her work. Read and be encouraged that you too can make a difference.