Performance Coaching for Results

ICF requires certified coaches to continue their learning and practice so I am delighted to complete a Performance Coaching Workshop last weekend by The Coach Partnership. It was fun being a learner again!

I’m also delighted that I get to apply what I’ve learnt immediately as a team coach at Motion: For Impact. So straight away, I did some performance coaching over the week to help team members win at their game! I love the simplicity of this approach.

What’s performance coaching❓
It’s a type of coaching that aims to help individuals win and achieve their goal. The foundation of Performance Coaching is the trust and care between coach and coachee.

It’s a great set of skills for managers who are looking to reduce the reliance of the team on the manager. It is a practice that yields sustainable results.

✅ Staff grow their skills and deliver the required results. They grow their confidence.

✅ Managers benefit in the long run with a more motivated and skillful team and having more time freed up as a result.

✅ The coach helps coachees clarify specifics about their goal. Often, the goal isn’t really that clear.

✅ The coach drills the coachees on their commitment and why they want the results. The coachee might possibly fail at the initial stages. Knowing the purpose strengthens the ability to be resilient.

✅ The coach holds the coachees accountable for the results they want to create for themselves. It’s easy to not hit the goal and find excuses. Having someone to hold a person accountable strengthens the will to succeed.

❌What Performance Coaching is not:
It is not a last ditch intervention to help uncommitted staff.
It is not a tool for managers to achieve their own agenda.
It is not sports coaching. No tactical plans are given by the coach.

🏅What has been my personal learning?
A performance coach needs both the supporting and challenging muscles to serve the client. I realized my challenging muscle is much stronger than my supporting one. So I am now more conscious in my coaching practice.

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