Coaching - the Competency Needed to Develop Future Leaders

Coaching - the Competency Needed to Develop Future Leaders

As an ontological coach practicing in a human resource consulting firm, I have observed that there has been an increase in demand for coaching services and coaching training in organizations. This article explores why organizations and leaders might want to consider how coaching can take care of an important aspect in every organization - the need to develop future leaders.

Interpreting Emotions Using the Chinese Language

Interpreting Emotions Using the Chinese Language

I used to struggle naming and understanding my emotions. As an ontological coach, I now appreciate the breakthroughs one can experience when emotions are named and understood. This article is about leveraging the context and usage of the Chinese Language to explore emotions to further our understanding.

How do I do Meaningful and Purposeful Work?

How do I do Meaningful and Purposeful Work?

Have you been pondering about doing meaningful and purposeful work especially in this season? This article is sparked by a particular coaching session. Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, attempts to provide some guidance in the form of reflection questions.

Listening Through Our Five Senses

Listening Through Our Five Senses

Have you considered how the digital world might have amplified the need to listen well? Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, write about how to leverage the power of our five senses to become more effective listeners.

Listening Through Our Mood

Listening Through Our Mood

Effective listening is more than the listening skills one has. Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet writes about how our mood forms the context as a listener and how effective listening involves the ability to be aware of the mood we are. Listening through our mood is about understanding how the stories in our head is generated and how our actions are deeply related to our mood.

Dealing with Mental Health - are we listening?

Dealing with Mental Health - are we listening?

Thinking or reflecting about mental health issues? Know someone who is struggling emotionally and in pain? Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet writes about listening as a new way of being that he believes the human race needs to consider practicing in this digital world to address the increasing concerns.

Taking Ownership of Our Emotions

Taking Ownership of Our Emotions

Have you felt defeated by your resentment, by your anger, by your anxiety and worries? In this article, Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet writes about his own painful realisation and what he now aspires to do - help others take ownership of their emotions.

Working with Emotions in Coaching

Working with Emotions in Coaching

Many might think working with emotions belong to the work of counsellors and therapists. Working with emotions in coaching might sound strange for some. In this article, Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet writes about why and how can a coach work with clients in the areas of their emotions.