What are things I do that energize me?

Singapore StrengthsFinder Leadership Coaching Question energize Victor Seet Cliftonstrengths

Leadership Coaching Question: "What are things I do that energize me?"

This is a #StrengthsFinder question. The tasks that energize give a clue to our strengths: What a leader is motivated by and can achieve with near perfect performance when matched with the right skills and knowledge. These tasks usually form the greatest value add to the team so Leaders must have clarity of what such tasks are. Leaders ought to share these tasks with their team. They also ought to prioritize a portion of their time to do these tasks that energize them rather than trying to do everything. They should focus on their strengths and manage their weaknesses. Leaders have a greater ability to influence when they are exhibiting passion and energy. "What are tasks you do that energize you?"

This is a series of powerful coaching questions designed to help all #leaders become better coaches by first coaching themselves. Combining the [#CliftonStrengths] #StrengthsFinder principles with Leadership Coaching.

"Designing the most Robust Leadership Coaching and Workshop Program in the world"

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Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup StrengthsFinder Coach • Strengths School™ Singapore