I love writing to share my thoughts. These are articles I have written on the topic of Leadership, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, coaching, strengths, WELL-BEING, PERSONAL values and my Christian beliefs.
What makes difficult conversation “difficult’? What might we be fearful of whenever we imagine the worst of certain conversations? Singapore Ontological Practitioner and Team Coach Victor Seet, shares some of the common fears that people face whenever they assess some conversations to be difficult.
The journey to uncover our true self is a common one. How does one uncover the true self? This article seeks to explore this question by exploring five different ideas.
How does shame show up at work? How do you identify shame language and behaviors in the workplace? Singapore Team Coach Victor Seet, shares some of the shame language and behaviors he has observed from his coaching work with teams.
Have you seen the lingering effects of shame in your life or those around you? Ontological Coach Victor Seet, gives his take on the effects of shame and honor culture in Singapore and Asia. He also shares his own story of overcoming shame.
Curious about the ontological approach versus the more common cognitive behavioral approach to coaching? Singapore Coach Victor Seet discusses some key differences between these two coaching approaches. Victor actively practices ontological coaching.
How do I apply my CliftonStrengths at work? This is the most common challenge faced by individuals. Coach Victor Seet writes about 3 areas at work that individuals can use their strengths - performance management, relationship management and collaboration
Are you looking for suitable Team Building Activities for your team or organization? Singapore CliftonStrengths and Team Coach, Victor Seet, shares why using CliftonStrengths Profiling for Team Building is a great and practical idea.
Are you one of those who read the book Strengths-Based Leadership and wonder about how to interpret the four domains? Or are you one of those who got your results and wondered what the colors mean? Singapore CliftonStrengths Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, gives his input and insights about the Four Domains of Leadership Strength and how leaders can interpret their results.
Are you projecting your anger / insecurities on others? Each one of us have blindspots. Ontological Coach Victor Seet discusses in this short article why uncovering our blindspots is critical for growth.
How can people with very different strengths work together? This is part 2 of the series on complementary partnerships through unlikely CliftonStrengths Themes pairing, written by Singapore Executive Coach Victor Seet.
Are you consistently frustrated by certain colleagues resisting your perspectives? Or are you looking for people who could provide counter-perspectives to the ideas that you hold? Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, writes about the power of complementary partnerships through unlikely CliftonStrengths pairings.
What makes a person more adaptive than another? What stops people from learning and being resistant to changes? Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet elaborates on 15 different beliefs that might stop individuals and teams from learning and therefore navigating change effectively.
There are many different types of learners observed in the context of work and life. This article aims to bring out these distinctions for greater self-awareness. Singapore Ontological Coach, Victor Seet, shares the four archetypes of Learners as a coaching guide.
Performance and Capacity are intrinsically related. How can we level up our capacity sustainably to continue to live to our highest potential? That is something to consider especially as we experience increases in our responsibilities in both work and life. Otherwise, the results are often frustrations and disappointments. Singapore Ontological Coach, Victor Seet, shares five steps to systematically build our performance capacity.
You have probably heard of commitment to a task. Have you heard of a commitment to a mood? Singapore Ontological Coach, Victor Seet, shares a distinction between these two types of commitment with the intent to help people gain greater self-awareness.
What could stop Singapore from being stronger together? After facilitating a group discussion during a loneliness dialogue and listening in to the conversations, there were some learnings I took away. This is an article written to share my perspectives as an ontological leadership coach.
Can we improve our emotional intelligence by tapping on strengths intelligence? This is an article written by ontological and strengths coach Victor Seet about enhancing our emotional intelligence by using the CliftonStrengths tool.
As a manager, how are you managing team dynamics and team engagement? How much do you actively think about engaging your team more effectively? Knowing your team strengths is a powerful way to connect and engage the team you are leading. Here's some practical ways you can start engaging.
How much do you consider the impact of emotions and moods on your leadership work and conversations? Do you know the benefits of understanding and working with the mood of your team? If not, do you know what you might be missing? Here is a manager’s guide to understanding emotions and conversations.
As an ontological coach practicing in a human resource consulting firm, I have observed that there has been an increase in demand for coaching services and coaching training in organizations. This article explores why organizations and leaders might want to consider how coaching can take care of an important aspect in every organization - the need to develop future leaders.
I used to struggle naming and understanding my emotions. As an ontological coach, I now appreciate the breakthroughs one can experience when emotions are named and understood. This article is about leveraging the context and usage of the Chinese Language to explore emotions to further our understanding.
Have you been pondering about doing meaningful and purposeful work especially in this season? This article is sparked by a particular coaching session. Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, attempts to provide some guidance in the form of reflection questions.
Did you know that the CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) tool can be used powerfully to enhance marriage or couple relationships? Singapore CliftonStrengths Coach, Victor Seet, reveals how his own marriage got transformed and how he continues to use this tool to strengthen his marriage.
Have you considered how the digital world might have amplified the need to listen well? Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, write about how to leverage the power of our five senses to become more effective listeners.
Effective listening is more than the listening skills one has. Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet writes about how our mood forms the context as a listener and how effective listening involves the ability to be aware of the mood we are. Listening through our mood is about understanding how the stories in our head is generated and how our actions are deeply related to our mood.
What makes a creative individual a proven leader? How can creative individuals exercise Creative Leadership? Inspired by a book by Paul Arden, ICF and Gallup Coach, Victor Seet, shares some of his ideas on principles of creative leadership.
Thinking or reflecting about mental health issues? Know someone who is struggling emotionally and in pain? Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet writes about listening as a new way of being that he believes the human race needs to consider practicing in this digital world to address the increasing concerns.
Do you struggle to be a good listener? Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet shares about his journey of learning to listen and highlights the power of noticing to bring forth a real change.
Have you felt defeated by your resentment, by your anger, by your anxiety and worries? In this article, Ontological Leadership Coach Victor Seet writes about his own painful realisation and what he now aspires to do - help others take ownership of their emotions.
Experiencing tension in your partnership with someone? Wondering what started out as a great partnership has now caused some anxiety? Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, writes about navigating polarities using the specific example of complementary partnerships.
We can only intervene in what we can see. This article is about how the process of therapy had helped to give a name to an emotion which had troubled the writer. That empowered him and brought a change in his marriage.
Developing humility is one of the most difficult challenges faced in leadership and personal development. This article is written to explore more of the “how to” and to discuss a few practical ways to grow this character trait.
Ever wondered why some people can make decision so quickly and why others seem to be “slower”? This article (part 2 of the StrengthsFinder Theme Combination Series) explores how some StrengthsFinder themes are broadly categorized by speed.
Ever wondered why some people are so forward looking and others seem to love history? This article (part 1 of the StrengthsFinder Theme Combination Series) explores how some StrengthsFinder themes are broadly categorized by time.
When we think about the idea of strengths, the imagery of a mother’s unconditional love and sacrifices for the family often comes to our mind. This article describes a journey of a wife who became a mother and written as a tribute to all mothers out there. Happy Mothers’ Day!
Ever wondered what are the top 5 common strengths of teachers in Singapore? StrengthsFinder Gallup Certified Coach Victor Seet shares his research findings.
Is your worship being limited to praying and singing hymns and songs in church? How does one worship God in the workplace? Victor shares seven practical ways that he has been working on.
Have you met people who seem to always talk about what they lack rather than what they have? Are you one of those who might even be guilty of this? As a Christian, Victor Seet shares his personal thoughts about how the deficit mentality seems to be robbing many from receiving God's grace and how this can be overcome
Are you one of those who wondered why many Christians seem to be feeling disengaged in church, especially among young people? Victor Seet shares some insights and also some practical steps people can do to increase the level of engagement.
How do you feel when you first got your StrengthsFinder Assessment Results? Do you feel disappointed? Were you skeptical? Singapore StrengthsFinder Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, opens up and shares his own experience.
Can you imagine how StrengthsFinder language looked like if it's being translated into Singlish! Singapore StrengthsFinder Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, shares how he translates his own top 5 strengths into the Singlish Language.
How similar or different are you from your sibling? Meet a pair of siblings in Singapore who not just have the same top 5 strengths but also have all of their top 5 in the relationship building domain. Singapore Strengthsfinder Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, conducts an interview with both Angeline and Pamela to hear their stories.
Are you a Counsellor, Social Worker or someone in the Social Work industry? Singapore StrengthsFinder Certified Coach, Victor Seet, interviews Chrystella Lo, a counsellor in Singapore, who shares how she uses her StrengthsFinder themes for her work. Read and get some tips on how you too can apply your talent themes at work.
Are you one of those who naturally desire to influence others but often end up being misunderstood? Meet Singaporean, Joey Ong, one of the rare ones in the world with all the top 5 strengths from the influencing domain. Singapore Strengthsfinder Certified Coach, Victor Seet, conducts an interview with Joey to hear her story.
Being a Youth Pastor is tough. Many have given up despite starting with a great passion to make a difference. This article is a short reflection on how I use the Strengths-Based Principles to engage young people in my 10 years of being a Youth Pastor.
Parenting brings me many revelations to my spiritual life as well as to my work as a Strengths Coach. This is a simple reflection on some learnings from my own fathering experience.
Are you a teacher or someone regularly involved in the education sector? Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, interviews Charmain Han, an English teacher in Singapore, who shares how she uses her CliftonStrengths themes for her work. Read and be encouraged that you too can make a difference.
How do you deal with your weaknesses or in CliftonStrengths language, your overused strengths? The way we manage our weaknesses often have a great impact on others we are working with or relating to. Singapore CliftonStrengths and Ontological Coach Victor Seet, shares a model to identify four archetypes to shed light on how people manage their weaknesses.