CliftonStrengths Team Communication Workshop Hong Kong

Fun and happy group after strengths workshop

Communication is a two way street. 

In a facilitation session, communication takes place between the facilitator and the participants. 

Sometimes there is great chemistry. Some participants energize the facilitator. Some drain. 

📷: Flew in from Singapore to Hong Kong, this was a CliftonStrengths Team Communication Full Day session with a regional team. Participants were from Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and China. 

Through the day, I remained highly energized and motivated.

There was great chemistry. There were lots of good natured banter and laughter. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations.

▶ We covered basic strengths fundamentals 

▶ We moved to learning and practicing foundational elements needed for great communication and teamwork

▶ We covered blindspots that often lead to conflicts and misunderstandings 

▶ We practice “catching people doing right” using a simple and effective tool

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Workshop - Strategy & Transformation Office

Had the privilege to facilitate a CliftonStrengths Team Workshop for the Strategy and Transformation Team from Prudential Singapore.

Workshop was designed to give more time for people to understand their dominant talent themes and to connect the themes to their work. The workshop also give space for each person to understand different working and communication styles, including that of the Team Leader.

Had Yeang Cherng with me as an observer. Took the chance and got him to share how he was able to lead three companies, Kingmaker Consultancy, Amplitude Asia and StrengthsTransform and successfully build a strengths based culture within the team.

It was a wonderful way to end the week! Very grateful!

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Building Workshop for Engineers

Joined CliftonStrengths coaches Poh Yeang Cherng and Loh Wen Wei to deliver a full day team building program for a group of engineers.

Very proud to be part of the StrengthsTransform team. It was the first time and it was a fun filled day indeed. There were so much laughter around the room.

This was a follow up workshop after we had done a session for the leadership team. We believe that the partnership will continue to strengthen. Looking forward to more of such workshop and partnerships in the coming year.

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Workshop and Team Coaching - Public Service Division

strengths interactive workshop

Did a team session with one of the groups from Public Service Division. Half of the session was focused on helping the individuals learn about their strengths. The other was on team coaching. Overall, the session went better than I have expected.

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Workshop Program - Business Transformation Technology ESG Group

Singapore CliftonStrengths Team Building Workshop for Tech Group by StrengthsFinder Expert Coach Victor Seet

Had another fantastic time delivering a CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Workshop! Some participants were from the business transformation group, some from technology and some from ESG.
One even came back from maternity leave to participate in the program. Was very encouraged by such a commitment to learn.
Great fun!

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Building Workshop Program - Legal and Compliance

CliftonStrengths Team Building Workshop Program for Legal Group by StrengthsFinder Expert Coach Victor Seet

This was a CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) team building workshop program for the Legal and Compliance Team from a Singapore based Real Estate Portfolio company. This was the fifth run of the CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) program.

Not sure what to expect as I face an all ladies legal team. It turned out to be a fantastic experience. The participants were very engaged and through out the entire strengths workshop program, the whole room was buzzing and alive. Grateful that I could have an opportunity to facilitate this workshop to help the team increase their level of self-awareness so that there can be more effective communication and collaboration.

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Coach (ACTC, PCC)