CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Leadership Team Coaching and Workshop

CliftonStrengths Leadership Team Coaching and Facilitation by Ontological Expert Coach Victor Seet

Some teams are highly dysfunctional while others are in the learning zone.

In a learning zone, some key observables include members seeking feedback, embracing discomfort (for example displaying vulnerability to others), disagreeing and voicing the counter perspectives respectfully etc.

Last week, I had the privilege of doing a session for a leadership team in an intimate off site setting.

Started the session with some CliftonStrengths facilitation work and at the same time, I was paying attention to the team dynamics

I observed the interactions between team members, listened to the different conversations taking place and experienced the team dynamics that was being generated.

After 2 hours of facilitation, I assessed the team was ready for some deeper work.

Switching to team coaching mode, we contracted and opened up a space for the team to have a deeper conversation on trust.

I won’t share details but I love watching how things unfold. I saw different shifts taking place. Some shifts were immediate - shifting of the posture to listen attentively, shifting of energy to be more invested. Other shifts include choosing courage and acknowledging vulnerability, choosing to dream and see future possibilities.

Just watching how the team interact post session during dinner was fascinating for me.

Leadership teams can be functionally effective but seldom tight in their interpersonal dynamics.

This leadership team gives off a different vibe. It had a different spirit and soul.

May God bless this group of human beings to continue flourishing together.

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Coach (ACTC, PCC)

CliftonStrengths Team Coaching - Art of Leadership Studio

CliftonStrengths Team Coaching Program for Art Leadership Studio Group by Singapore Ontological Coach Victor Seet

Had an opportunity and great privilege to partner with Alice and her team. Alice runs the Art of Leadership Studio and facilitates many leadership workshops for companies. Can’t wait to see how our future partnerships might pen out. It was a 2 hours team coaching session, mainly to deepen the team dynamics of the team by exploring each other’s CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) profile.

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Coach (ACTC, PCC)

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Building Workshop Program 2 - Finance Team

CliftonStrengths Team Building Workshop Program for Finance by Singapore Gallup StrengthsFinder Expert Coach Victor Seet

Had a super fun time facilitating this CliftonStrengths workshop program for the second group of a very huge Finance Team of a Singapore based Real Estate Portfolio company. The group was filled with energy, asked many great questions and clearly enjoyed the workshop. My energy level went up as I absorbed their positive energy too.

It was a great way to end the week as I saw how the understanding of their StrengthsFinder themes empowered the individuals to level up in their self-awareness.

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Coach (ACTC, PCC)

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Building Workshop Program - Finance Team

CliftonStrengths Team Building Workshop Program for Finance Team by Singapore Ontological Expert Victor Seet

I did not know what to expect as I started the CliftonStrengths team building workshop program for the Finance Team from a Singapore based Real Estate Portfolio company. This was the first group of finance team members who attended this CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) program.

At the start, the participants were towards the quiet side. By the end of the workshop program, the whole room had come alive. Grateful that I could have an opportunity to facilitate this workshop to help the team increase their level of self-awareness so that there can be more effective communication and collaboration.

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Coach (ACTC, PCC)

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Building Workshop Program - Valuation & Portfolio

CliftonStrengths Team Building Workshop Program for Real Estate Valuations Group by Singapore StrengthsFinder Coach Victor Seet

It was a very fulfilling day spent with the team that does Valuations and Portfolio from a Singapore based Real Estate Portfolio company. I was invited to run a series of CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) team workshops for this organization, starting from this team.

The group of 10 was very engaged and participative. I enjoyed connecting with the group as many of them graduated from NUS Real Estate which was where I came from. I was the senior to several members of the team. Had many curious questions on why I pivoted from Real Estate to becoming a Professional Executive and Team Coach.

Objectives of the session:

1. For each person on the team to gain greater self awareness of their individual strengths and foster mutual respect for others.  

2. For the team to understand the strengths and aspirations of each person to better collaborate as a team.

I’m glad that the team felt that the session achieved the objectives!

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF ACTC and PCC Coach

Individualized 1-1 CliftonStrengths Coaching

CliftonStrengths Individualized Coaching For Motion by Singapore Team Coach Victor Seet

[Bringing Hope and Courage]

I love #coaching because my personal mission is bringing hope and courage to those I meet. Coaching is one of the main avenues I do that.

To me, one of the key distinctions of coaching is that it is a specific conversation about exploring possibilities. It is shifting our attention from the problems faced to the possibilities that surround us.

As an #ontologicalcoach, I have witnessed huge transformation when people engage deep in the emotion of hope and explore possibilities for their own future.

As a cliftonstrengths coach, I have witnessed the joy and delight when people saw their strengths in a new light.

▶ Have you experienced the joy of exploring possibilities of your own future?

▶ Engage a coach with that purpose in mind and you will leave the conversation feeling hopeful.

▶ Coaching is not about problem solving though the process might entail that.

▶ Coaching is done to give you a pair of new eyes to see the world that you have not been seeing.

Photo Credit to Jonathan Cheetham who took a photo of my 1-1 time with Nurhuda A. Bakar.

We had a super energizing conversation about her strengths.

#personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #peopleandculture#coachvictorseet