CliftonStrengths StrengthsFinder Leadership Workshop - CHIJ Kellock Singapore

StrengthsFinder Singapore Leadership Workshop CHIJ Kellock Gallup Coach Victor Seet

CliftonStrengths (former StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop for the EXCO Team of CHIJ Kellock. This was the last workshop of the year for me and it was done at #ChangiCove. I'm glad that it went very well. The principal scored us a perfect 10 and was extremely satisfied. This was a leadership workshop conducted for Michelle's primary school. One of her Primary school form teacher is now the vice-principal and some of the teachers who taught my wife were still there and remembered her fondly. In fact, one of her former teachers recognized me as her husband. Had an amazing time with this group and there was so much laughter for the entire day. The principal commented that there was not a single down moment and it was engaging right from the start to the end. We customized the workshop based on the team strengths profile and some of the strategic objectives required by the school leaders. Overall feedback was fantastic.


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Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified