CliftonStrengths Leadership Workshop - White Sands Primary School

Singapore StrengthsFinder Leadership Workshop White Sands Primary School Gallup Coach Victor Seet

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop: White Sands Primary School Singapore

#Singapore CliftonStrengths (former StrengthsFinder) #Leadership #Workshop for the Management Team of one of the Primary School in the eastern part of Singapore. The most enjoyable thing about the workshop was that the vice principal used to be my former Pastor when I was a teenager. She was the person who saw the potential in me and intentionally sowed into my life. It was such a joy to be able to now sow into the lives of the people she worked with. Through the input of the principal, we focused the session specifically on Team Strengths and how the whole Leadership team worked together. We also covered conflict management. The whole session went smoothly and overall feedback was very positive. 


#StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach  #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #HumanResource #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment #Teambuilding  #StrengthsMovement #StrengthsFinderCoach #victorseet 

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified