Singapore Marketplace Leadership talk on Entrepreneurship

Singapore Entrepreneur Talk on Marketplace leadership StrengthsFinder Coach Victor Seet

Spoke about how the #CliftonStrengths experience was used to impact leaders in the marketplace and the journey God has led me in co-founding #StrengthsSchool. This was a speaking engagement on Marketplace Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Spoke to a crowd of 400 aspiring young individuals. Within the sharing of doing business in the marketplace, I got to touch on my own story of the difficulties faced managing the start up business while raising 2 young kids.

Focused the sharing on how the pursuit of success revealed a great deal of lack in my life and how God empowered me to focus on my strengths to overcome some of the entrepreneurial challenges. Through the sharing, I realized how precious it was to raise up other young leaders like Amanda Joy and Madelia Thia to become professional CliftonStrengths certified coaches. Such a joy to see them become Gallup Certified Coaches and now doing great CliftonStrengths workshops and coaching among the schools in Singapore.

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified