CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop - Singapore SkillsFuture Program

CliftonStrengths (former StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop: 
Singapore SkillsFuture Program Aug 2017

This was a #CliftonStrengths #Leadership workshop open to the public. Among the participants, there were entrepreneurs, retail managers, a business administrator, a vice-principal from a local school, a branding and marketing manager, pastors, a HR manager and a leader in a VWO. In the workshop, the leaders from the different industry shared about their leadership experiences with each other. It was very fun and interactive as everyone go deeper into understanding their full 34 CliftonStrengths results. I enjoyed hearing some interesting stories of how different people used their strengths to achieve their goals and to lead others. Many feedback that this was a great course on self-awareness and how that is so needed in leaders of today.

For those have never heard of SkillsFuture, this is a movement initiated by the Singapore government to enable all Singaporeans to develop to their fullest potential and to realize their aspirations by taking advantage of a wide range of learning opportunities. The aim of this particular SkillsFuture Leadership course is to help participants understand how to use their full 34 CliftonStrengths profile results to be effective leaders in the marketplace. 

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #Gallup #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #HumanResource #Training#ProfessionalDevelopment #teambuilding #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop - Professional Development Staff Seminar

Singapore StrengthsFinder Leadership Workshop for Teachers using Gallup CliftonStrengths Profiling Balestier Hill Primary

StrengthsFinder TeamBuilding Workshop for 60 Singapore teachers

The #CliftonStrengths assessment was new to the teachers who were from one of the Primary schools in the central part of Singapore. There was a buzz when the teachers arrived for the staff seminar as all of them had completed the StrengthsFinder online assessment prior to the seminar. They were all eager to understand what those strengths meant. It was a fun filled time and lots of interaction took place. Predictably, the most helpful section o the CliftonStrengths workshop was the section on personal development. We covered how each strength can be expressed in its infancy and maturity and took everyone through a time of reflection. Each participant charted out their own development plan as part of the whole exercise. Transforming the Singapore #education sector school by school.

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #Gallup #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #HumanResource #Training#ProfessionalDevelopment #leadership #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup StrengthsFinder Coach • Strengths School™ Singapore

CliftonStrengths Team Building Workshop - Zebra Sales Team

CliftonStrengths TeamBuilding workshop held in Singapore

This Gallup StrengthsFinder Workshop was planned as the day 1 program of a 3 days team building program. It is a yearly get together for this MNC Southeast Asia regional sales team. The participants came from Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. The focus was really on getting the different team members from different countries to connect with the regional leader and with one another. The CliftonStrengths team building program was held at a newly built hotel in the eastern part of Singapore and the set up was excellent. For the 2nd time in a week, I get to leverage on CoachJasonHo's strengths as we facilitate the workshop together for 35 participants. We also had another Singapore Gallup Certified Coach, Charissa Ee, joining us in facilitating this workshop. Despite a little language barrier faced by some of the participants, there were lots of laughter and energy generated from the interaction. Jason and I were also able to leverage on our sales experience to share how individuals can tap on their strengths to increase sales performances. This seems to be greatly appreciated as we take the participants through the "aiming your strengths" portion by focusing on Strengths-based Selling. There were lots of coaching involved as the 3 StrengthsFinder Coaches split ourselves to coach the teams from the different countries. Overall, it went well and the regional team leader who sits in Singapore was pleased with the outcome. We hope to be able to continue to impact this organization and help it create a Strengths Based culture.  

#StrengthsSchool  #victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #StrengthsBasedSelling #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #Leadership #Coaching #Sales #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #HumanResource #Training  #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeamBuilding #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup StrengthsFinder Coach • Strengths School™ Singapore

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop for NTU SASD Management Team

Singapore StrengthsFinder Leadership Workshop using Gallup CliftonStrengths Profiling Coach Victor Seet

StrengthsFinder Leadership workshop held for Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, Student Academic Services Management team.

This CliftonStrengths (former Gallup StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop was planned as the day 1 program of a 2 days strategic planning program. It was a fun filled workshop as I get to leverage on Jason’s strengths. Our Strengths Partnership was very evident as Jason employed the use of his #ideation, #Adaptability and #Positivity while I used my #Activator, #Communication and #SelfAssurance. He facilitates the discussion and creates lots of laughter in the process while I facilitate my segments focusing on getting the participants energized by activities and discussions. It has been a while since we partner together in a CliftonStrengths workshop and it was a wonderful time. We both felt very energized as we used our strengths to do what we love doing. Glad that the majority of the participants felt the same way too as many gave excellent feedback about the enjoyable learning and time well spent. Looking forward to future opportunities to impact the rest of the staff as well as the undergraduates from NTU.

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #HumanResource #Training  #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeamBuilding #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified

StrengthsFinder Leadership Workshop - Singapore SkillsFuture Program Jun 2017

Singapore StrengthsFinder SkillsFuture Leadership Workshop using Gallup CliftonStrengths Victor Seet

StrengthsFinder Leadership Workshop: 
Singapore SkillsFuture Program June 2017 Educators Edition

This was a CliftonStrengths (former StrengthsFinder) #Leadership workshop open to the public. We had educators from different Primary schools, Secondary schools and Junior Colleges attending. There were also educators from the private sector attending the course as well. SkillsFuture is a movement initiated by the Singapore government to enable all Singaporeans to develop to their fullest potential and to realize their aspirations by taking advantage of a wide range of learning opportunities. Singaporean Educators can now utilize their SkillsFuture credits to attend our public #CliftonStrengths courses and learn about Strengths-Based Leadership. Essentially, this means for many of the educators, this is a FREE course! The aim of this particular SkillsFuture Leadership course is to help participants understand how to use their full 34 StrengthsFinder profile results to be effective leaders in the education landscape in Singapore. In this workshop, we covered the dominant talent themes, the supportive themes and the lesser themes, all in a day's work. The educators learn how to maximize their dominant themes while discovering how they can overcome some of the challenges faced with the lesser themes. Everyone finished the workshop with a developmental plan that will help them to grow their talents to strengths. It was very enjoyable to see how the different educators share their own leadership experiences in their schools with one another. Other than learning about strengths, the cross learning in terms of sharing of the different educators' experience is part of the unique selling point in this public workshop. Looking forward to more of such runs in the school holidays ahead. 

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #Gallup #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #HumanResource #Training#ProfessionalDevelopment #teambuilding #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified

CliftonStrengths Workshop for Educators (Teachers) Singapore

CliftonStrengths Leadership Workshop for 120 Singapore teachers

This CliftonStrengths workshop was conducted for one of the Secondary schools in the northern part of Singapore. It was a staff seminar planned and conducted for all the teaching staff. The school leaders had completed a 1.5 days #StrengthsFinder leadership workshop with us last year and this was part of an intentional approach into deepening the Strengths culture in the school. Having now done different strengths workshop for the leaders, teachers and the students, we are now looking forward to build on this momentum to help this school create a sustainable Strengths Based Culture. Transforming the Singapore #education sector school by school.

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #Gallup #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #HumanResource #Training#ProfessionalDevelopment #teambuilding #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified