This is Madelia Thia from #Singapore and she is a #Gallup Certified #CliftonStrengths #Coach! While many of her peers are clueless about what they want to do, Madelia chose this path of being a professional CliftonStrengths (former StrengthsFinder) Coach. As her boss and friend, I'm very proud of Madelia! Her passion and energy empowers her to do what she does best each day. Her strengths complement mine almost perfectly! We have 19 different strengths represented in our top 10 (out of a possible 20). She is super reliable, has a servant heart, excellent attitude, is a very creative problem solver and most importantly, she possesses a great heart and cares genuinely for others. Her experience as a small group leader and worship leader in Church of Our Saviour (Singapore) gave her the required skill sets to excel as a coach. She is also our StrengthsExplorer specialist.
If you are a student wanting to learn more about how you can develop your talents in your life, speak with Madelia, our Gallup Certified Youth Development Coach from Strengths School™ .
#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #Gallup #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #StrengthsFinderTeambuilding #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsQuest #StrengthsFinderSG #Asia #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment #Leadership #StrengthsFinderCoach #StudentDevelopment
Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified