StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths) Workshop for Marriott Digital Team (Hong Kong)

Gallup StrengthsFinder CliftonStrengths Hong Kong Workshop Marriott International Digital Team by Singapore Gallup Newfield Coach Victor Seet

StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths) TeamBuilding Workshop Program conducted for Marriott International (Digital Team, Hong Kong)

This TeamEdge™ workshop was customized for the Digital Marketing Team and the objectives were to really help the team members understand each other’s working style. We focused on the top 10 strengths and covered some of the blindspots. It was a small and intimate setting and the team had the opportunity to have deeper conversations together. Very glad for a fruitful session. Thankful for the opportunity to serve Marriott once again!

#StrengthsSchool #victorseet #StrengthsFinderChina #StrengthsCoach #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #TeamBuilding #Coaching #StrengthsFinderAsia #HumanResource #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach

Game of Life Career Program - Secondary Students including those with Special Needs

Game of life interactive fun education career leadership program ecg victor seet

Strengths-Based Game of Life Career Program for 200 Secondary students.

This program was designed to be part of a Career Awareness Day for a particular Secondary School. The special part of this program was that within the 200 odd students were 15 high functioning students with autism. It was the first time we are running such a program for a very diverse group of students. From the game, we observed there was a great number of students who willingly reach out to help others achieve the goals. We also saw many students exhibiting strong character traits such as resilience, determination and compassion through out the game. There was also a huge range of emotions being flushed out and there were many intense moments in the Game, which was a huge sign of strong participation and engagement. The game plan went better than expected. While there were areas which can be improved to get even better engagements and partnerships from the diverse group of students, it was overall a day that was very fulfilling. I felt very happy to read some of the comments by the students with autism: “I am very proud to be exposed to new things during the game and I learnt that it takes a lot of hard work and determination to succeed in life.” “I am very happy to make new friends from another school and I learnt that I need to take certain steps in life to go towards the job I want. I am grateful that the facilitators organize such a meaningful event for our job preparations. I hope these help offered can bring me to a brighter future.” “I managed to persuade some people to help me in my business and it succeeded. I learnt that I am a good team player and I can be persuasive.”

#StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsFinder #StrengthsQuest #GallupStrengthsFinder #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderSG #Training #Teambuilding #StrengthsMovement #StrengthsFinderCoach #victorseet

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Team Building Workshop (WSG) - Career Services Division

Gallup StrengthsFinder Singapore Team Building Workshop Workforce Singapore Career Connect Team Victor Seet

StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths) TeamBuilding Workshop Program for Workforce Singapore (WSG), for the Career Services Division.

The focus of the workshop was on building winning teams. There were 5 distinct work teams but the overall atmosphere was very open and people were very happy to engage and connect with each other. We explored about decision making, partnerships and personal development in this “Build a Winning Team” workshop. One participant commented “The workshop provides useful insights into each of our strengths. Strengths based management and leadership is needed in this era to provide winning teams and impactful results.” Another said that “the session was highly interactive and useful in giving clarity to the team dynamics and it will certainly help to improve our ability to work together even better in the future!” Grateful for a day well spent and to read so many good feedback!

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #CliftonStrengths #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #Leadership #GallupStrengthsFinder #Coaching #StrengthsFinderAsia #HumanResource #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified

Career Awareness Education Program (Secondary Students) - Lifelong Learning Institute

Interactive Education and Career Guidance Secondary students Lifelong learning victor seet

#Career #Awareness Program for 600 students.

In partnership with Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) Singapore, I had the privilege to craft up a customized Education and Career Guidance (#ECG) program that catered to a total of 600 Secondary students. This program aims to help Secondary students explore their future career with greater clarity. Building on the #RIASEC profiling, a key focus by LLI, we equip students with practical strengths and skills as well as educate them on what people in different professions do on a daily basis. The career program featured professionals from the Finance, Tech, Engineering and Arts and Entertainment industry. The overall feedback was good. I’m glad that many students actually wrote that the 4hrs program was too short!

#victorseet #CareerCoach #Leadership #Talk #Studentdevelopment #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Malaysia Workshop - Zebra Technologies Supply Chain Leadership Team

Gallup StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths) Workshop Program Malaysia Singapore Newfield Gallup Coach Victor Seet leadership resilience purpose

StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths) Malaysia Penang Workshop Program for Zebra Technologies regional Supply Chain team.

This training workshop was held in Penang, Malaysia and it was a follow up workshop to the previous one I had conducted in Guangzhou, China. The last workshop covered modules KNOWstrengths and APPLYstrengths. This follow up leadership workshop covered modules LEVERAGEstrengths and PEAKstrengths. So glad that even though the participants had gone through one full day workshop, their enthusiasm was still 10/10 and participation rate was very high. The highlight for many was understanding the relationship between strengths and values. Lots of great conversations that went quite deep!

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderChina #StrengthsCoach #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #Leadership #GallupStrengthsFinder #TeamBuilding #Coaching #StrengthsFinderAsia #HumanResource #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified

CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) Leadership Workshop - NTU PEAK Program

Gallup StrengthsFinder CliftonStrengths Singapore NTU PEAK Workshop Gallup Newfield Coach Victor Seet Career leadership resilience purpose

StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths) Singapore Leadership and Career #Workshop for NTU PEAK program.

This was a full day leadership workshop for a group of 40 NTU students carefully selected out of 100plus applicants. The focus of the workshop was increasing the self awareness of these students and to help them gain greater perspectives of the realities of working in the marketplace. Similar to previous sessions, I facilitated a sharing by panelists formed by marketplace leaders. One shared about her innovation work in Grab. Another shared about the innovation work in Centre for Strategic Futures, part of a Strategic group under Prime Minister Office. The last panelist shared about her innovation work in Mann+Hummel. I personally enjoyed listening to the different responses and learnt a lot! A time well spent with aspiring young leaders!

#victorseet #StrengthsFinderSingapore #StrengthsCoach #StrengthsFinderWorkshop #GallupStrengthsFinder #TeamBuilding #Coaching #CareerCoaching #HumanResource #Training #ProfessionalDevelopment #StrengthsFinderCoach

Victor Seet • World & Singapore's 1st Gold Awarded Gallup CliftonStrengths Coach • Newfield Certified Ontological Coach • ICF Certified