How do you deal with your weaknesses or in CliftonStrengths language, your overused strengths? The way we manage our weaknesses often have a great impact on others we are working with or relating to. Singapore CliftonStrengths and Ontological Coach Victor Seet, shares a model to identify four archetypes to shed light on how people manage their weaknesses.
EXPLORING IDENTITY - Five Ways to Uncover Your True Self
(Updated) A Guide: Using CliftonStrengths at Work
8 Reasons to use CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) for Team Building
8 things to know about CliftonStrengths Leadership Domains
Are you one of those who read the book Strengths-Based Leadership and wonder about how to interpret the four domains? Or are you one of those who got your results and wondered what the colors mean? Singapore CliftonStrengths Gallup Certified Coach, Victor Seet, gives his input and insights about the Four Domains of Leadership Strength and how leaders can interpret their results.
CliftonStrengths: Complementary Partnerships Through Unlikely Pairings - Part 2
CliftonStrengths: Complementary Partnership Through Unlikely Pairings
Are you consistently frustrated by certain colleagues resisting your perspectives? Or are you looking for people who could provide counter-perspectives to the ideas that you hold? Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, writes about the power of complementary partnerships through unlikely CliftonStrengths pairings.