What Makes DIfficult Conversations DIfficult?

What Makes DIfficult Conversations DIfficult?

What makes difficult conversation “difficult’? What might we be fearful of whenever we imagine the worst of certain conversations? Singapore Ontological Practitioner and Team Coach Victor Seet, shares some of the common fears that people face whenever they assess some conversations to be difficult.

The Effects of Shame and Honor Culture

The Effects of Shame and Honor Culture

Have you seen the lingering effects of shame in your life or those around you? Ontological Coach Victor Seet, gives his take on the effects of shame and honor culture in Singapore and Asia. He also shares his own story of overcoming shame.

Have You Heard of a Commitment to a Mood?

Have You Heard of a Commitment to a Mood?

You have probably heard of commitment to a task. Have you heard of a commitment to a mood? Singapore Ontological Coach, Victor Seet, shares a distinction between these two types of commitment with the intent to help people gain greater self-awareness.

Stronger Together: Learnings from a Loneliness Dialogue

Stronger Together: Learnings from a Loneliness Dialogue

What could stop Singapore from being stronger together? After facilitating a group discussion during a loneliness dialogue and listening in to the conversations, there were some learnings I took away. This is an article written to share my perspectives as an ontological leadership coach.

Emotional Intelligence with CliftonStrengths

Emotional Intelligence with CliftonStrengths

Can we improve our emotional intelligence by tapping on strengths intelligence? This is an article written by ontological and strengths coach Victor Seet about enhancing our emotional intelligence by using the CliftonStrengths tool.

A Manager's Guide to Understanding Emotions and Conversations

A Manager's Guide to Understanding Emotions and Conversations

How much do you consider the impact of emotions and moods on your leadership work and conversations? Do you know the benefits of understanding and working with the mood of your team? If not, do you know what you might be missing? Here is a manager’s guide to understanding emotions and conversations.

Interpreting Emotions Using the Chinese Language

Interpreting Emotions Using the Chinese Language

I used to struggle naming and understanding my emotions. As an ontological coach, I now appreciate the breakthroughs one can experience when emotions are named and understood. This article is about leveraging the context and usage of the Chinese Language to explore emotions to further our understanding.

Listening Through Our Five Senses

Listening Through Our Five Senses

Have you considered how the digital world might have amplified the need to listen well? Ontological Leadership Coach, Victor Seet, write about how to leverage the power of our five senses to become more effective listeners.